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ing a   

     s anakojevaitė

2014-2018 Bachelor of Acting at Vytautas Didios University
AAT|Artūras Areima Theater director and producer since 2017 m.


Education :


2013 Lithuanian-Spanish philology studies, Vilnius University;


2012 – 2013 Puppet and Object Theater direction, Klaipėda University.

Works in the theater : 


2020 Dramaturgy assistant in the performance based on A. Pilgrim/S. Majewski's play "Black Shoes", director Aivaras Micius;


2019 Idea and implementation of educational event cycle "Projection", AAT | Artūrs Areima Theater;


2019 Director's assistant in the play based on F. Richter's play "Electronic City", directed by Artūras Areima;


2019 Author-playwright of the staging in the play based on F. Dürrenmatt's play "Physicists", directed by Artūras Areima;


2018 Staging author-dramaturge in the performance based on M. Maeterlinck and J. Saramago's work "Blind", directed by Artūras Areima;


2017 - . . . Director/Project Manager/Producer, AAT | Artūrs Areima Theater; 2017 Director's assistant in the performance "Antichrist", directed by Artūras Areima.



2018 Creation and performance of the performance "Strong Hands" in the music club "Skylė".


2017 Creation and performance of the performance "BOB: Beat Occupies Babylon" at the "Winter CREATurE" performance festival;


2016 Creation and performance of the performance "The Bright Side" in the spaces of the city of Kaunas;


2015 Performance "Tuk Tuk Anamnesis", director Gintarė Minelgaitė, Kaunas Biennial.




Creative workshop:


2018 Ivo Dimchev seminar "Love Song" (dance festival "Impulstanz");


2018 Michele Rizzo's Higher Dance Workshop (Impulstanz Dance Festival);


2018 Peter Jasko's contemporary dance seminar "Deep movement consciousnesss" (dance festival "Impulstanz");


2017 - 2018 contemporary dance workshop of Lina Puodžiukaitė and Trish Casey (USA);


2014-2018 Marius Pinigis contemporary dance workshop;


2016 Acting Workshop, actress Emilie Maréchal (Belgium);


2016 CREATurE Performance Festival Workshop "Share Alike", teachers: Alastair MacLennan and Sandra Johnston (UK);


2015 "The Tunnel" film acting seminar/workshop, director Gintarė Minelgaitė;


2015 Creative workshop based on the Viewpoints system, directed by Howard Lotker (USA);


2014-2015 Acting Workshop, directed by Jean Cyril-Vadi (France).






2013 Award for the best debut in the Poezijas pavasaris almanac.




Another activity :


2016-2017 English-Lithuanian/Lithuanian-English translator (technical/fiction texts).

The time has come to see the world.
I throw off my form of yesterday.

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©2020 by Artūras Areima theater.

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