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2023 09 14

„Už geresnį pasaulį“ tarptautiniame alternatyvaus teatro festivalyje FIAT 2023

A.Areimos spektaklis "Už geresnį pasaulį"

Režisieriaus Artūro Areimos spektaklis „Už geresnį pasaulį“ pagal Roland Schimmelpfennig pjesę, pirmą kartą bus pristatytas alternatyvaus teatro festivalio FIAT (Festival of International Alternative Theatre) pagrindinėje programoje, Juodkalnijoje. Šio spektaklio kūrybinė komanda Lietuvoje 2020 m. buvo nominuota aukščiausiam Lietuvos teatro apdovanojimui „Auksiniam scenos kryžiui“ geriausio vaizdo projekcijų kategorijoje; Vienas įtakingiausių Berlyno dienraščio „der Freitag“ žurnalistų Thomas Irmer išskyrė spektaklį, kaip drąsų ir reikalingą žingsnį kalbėti ir kritikuoti dabartines Lietuvos ir viso pasaulio ekologijos problemas, karo siaubą. 


2021 11 12

Nihilizmas su aukštakulniais

Artūro Areimos teatro spektaklio "Faust is dead" recenzija

Viktorija Sinicyna


"Didžiausią emocinį šiurpulį spektaklyje „Faust is dead“ kelia aktorės. Jų susikurtas tarpusavio ryšys virto stipriu sceniniu duetu. Tai atvejis, kai kūrėjų įsigyvenimą į literatūrinę medžiagą, jų giluminį ryšį su pjese ir temomis galima pajusti tiesiogiai. Žiūrint į Poderytę, kartais darosi baisu: atrodo, kad per ją persifiltruoja visa dramaturgijoje užkoduotų pasaulio blogybių bjaurastis, o žiūrovams telieka sugerti iš jos tekančias emocijas. Ji tarsi tas literatūrinis personažas, kuriam teko išverkti visų pasaulio žmonių ašaras."


2023 02 21

Nežinau, kas yra realybė. Gyvenime ji nebeegzistuoja. Algoritmai, simuliacija ir simuliakrai realybę pavertė kūryba. Galime pagaminti pasąmonę, sapnus, nuspėti žmogaus elgseną ir tai mane verčia suabejoti realybės egzistavimu. Kūryboje, mene ji svarbi, kūrėjas turi ją sukurti, kad žiūrovas turėtų kur panirti – atsidurti „ten“. Kiekvienas turime savo realybės suvokimą, matome skirtingai. Kai kurdamas spektaklį aktoriui išdėstau uždavinius ir bandau suformuoti savo įsivaizduojamą rea­lybę, pasimato jos organiškas kismas, psichologinio, emocinio, energetinio lauko įtrūkiai – tai daug ką keičia, viskas nebėra taip tikslu, kaip įsivaizdavau vienas perskaitęs scenarijų ir sukūręs spektaklio koncepciją.



How long does it take to get used to provocations?

Review of A. Areima's play-film "For a better world".

In the fall of 2020, AAT based in Baltupia showed the premiere of the play "For a better world", which I didn't get to see, but I heard great reviews. Therefore, I was delighted to be able to watch a film prepared based on this material, which, even after the end of the quarantine, will perform the necessary function - increasing the accessibility of A. Areima's work to people for whom coming to the performance requires more effort than they are willing or able to put in.



Last supper by the light of the remaining candles

Review of Artūrs Areima's theater performance "For a better world".

"<...> The quotes seem to be accompanied by the actors' individual etudes developing on the stage, which at first glance seem pointlessly pragmatic, the purpose of which is to drive away gloomy thoughts and fear, but the video projections of Gediminas Vansevičius shown on the screen reveal a different reality. Unstoppable "seven days and seven nights" in pouring rain and sweat, the characters trying to save their lives in a land without a trace of infrastructure sink like endless precipitation in the eternal fear of the future.



In La Manufacture Contemporain's official Avignon OFF program, Artūrs Areima's play "Hamletmachine" based on Heiner Müller's play.

If the door to leave remains open, this year the AAT troupe will participate in the international Avignon OFF theater festival in France for the second time.



Artūras Areima Theater presents two innovative premieres

In December, the Artūras Areima Theater (AAT) presents even two premieres: on the 19th and 20th - the film-performance adaptation "For a Better World", based on Roland Schimmelpfennig's play, and on December 29th and 30th - the latest theater work: the play "Testas", based on the play by Luke Bärfuss. These works will be presented virtually.





Artūras Areima: "There is a lack of fresh, youthful theater"

"We don't understand today anymore, and that's because we don't study it, it remains bypassed, untouched; that's where the problems come from. Then we write off the younger generation, because supposedly its representatives are stupid, apathetic, and don't look at everything that deeply. You can ask - and why doesn't the older generation look at a young person, why do they live in the past? After all, this is also their apathy. We fight for freedom, and we live there, in the past. When we came to these times, we abandoned them."



The performance, whose promotional photo we borrowed for the cover, is about a different kind of war. The cinematographic performance "For a better world" based on the play of the German playwright Roland Schimmelpfennig takes you to a war taking place in the jungle, the participants of which do not know what and why they are fighting. This fantastic story, which invites us to look at the condensed current social and psychological reality of humanity, can be seen online. Our new co-author Deimantė writes about this and other quarantine performances in this issue. 


18 April 2018

Artūras Areima: theater should not be a chaise longue

A. Areima: "...The point is that here in Lithuania, everything must be clear, there must be a very specific, understandable, instructive theater, with some metaphors, symbols that should, as it were, educate people to be more virtuous, better, but do not reveal from what is today's man really like. At AAT we try to reveal what is happening with today's man. This, most likely, is why I, our theater's name is rebellion."



Areima grinds to dust the universe created by Falk Richter

Artūrs Areima's play "Under the Ice", which analyzes the problems of man as a unit of a system in a world where there is less and less room for certainty, attracted great interest from French theater critics in the "OFF" program of this year's Avignon Theater Festival.


16 April 2019

"In fact, when it comes to how the viewer is lured into the profit-seeking society, according to Marx, the "ice water of selfish calculation", Artūrs Areima's production turns out to be mercilessly cruel. <...>

Powerful, brutally interpreted and completely derailing, "Under the Ice" is like diving into the icy waters of our social and human realities. By the way, we can breathe only when we leave the performance."



Valerijus Kazlauskas, who embodied the "loser": the theater in Lithuania is asleep

This is my biggest role so far. At the time when I started preparing for "The Loser", I did not have much experience, and the genre of the performance itself was really difficult and required a lot of effort. The whole rehearsal process was difficult and intense because we experimented a lot and did everything. There was a trial period, we had to see if it would work, but everything worked out perfectly.



Artūros Areima Theater presents the cycle of educational events "Projection"

From November 16 to December 14, the Artūras Areima Theater will open its doors to theater students, young creators and theatergoers interested in contemporary European and world theater: during the project, the theater will present as many as seven  videos of works by contemporary theater/performance creators will invite viewers to watch them for free. The program will feature works by Olivier de Sagazan, Susanne Kennedy, Needcompany, Luca Perceval and Rodrigo Garcia.


Lukas Percevalis (b. 1957) is a Belgian director, actor and playwright well known to the theater world, as well as a theater pedagogue and yoga teacher. He started his acting career in 1979. at the national theater in Antwerp, which he left five years later to found the independent troupe Blauwe Maandag Compagnie. in 1998 Perceval became artistic director of the Antwerp National Theater and eventually restructured the theater into the Het Toneelhuis theater group.



Inga Sanakojevaitė presents a new theater educational project "Projection"

In the LRT OPUS program "Be problema" the director of the Artūras Areima Theater Inga Sanakojevaitė is present, who presents the theater's new initiative educational project "Projection".

In this project, art and theater lovers will have the opportunity to meet different theater geniuses during different lectures.



Actress Monika Poderytė: "We believe in the media, but not in people"

"Only we ourselves have become important: how we look, speak, what we think, who I am, how I am and where I am. We began to miss the simple, elementary presence with another person, the kind where there is no need for an empty conversation that leads nowhere.

We believe in the media, but not in people. There was no intimacy left in our lives, everything became just a joke, and we were closed and closed."



On Friday evening (August 14), the Šiauliai Art Gallery presented the first theatrical performance after the quarantine, presented by VšĮ "Begemotas".


The large number of people gathered surprised not only the organizers, but also the Artūras Areima theater troupe, hoping for the chamber premiere of "Nothing Hurts" in Šiauliai.



"As is typical for series, there is a lot of domesticity in "Cooking temperature 5425". Both on the stage (set designer - also A. Areima) and on the screen. However, this domesticity is surreal, it conveys the image of a distorted life of one family. Tad Gryna, Monika Poderytė and Valerijaus Kazlauskas the characters created here exist between Olympic calmness and complete hysteria, between humility and despotism, fear and aggression, between the roles of victim and executioner."



Artūrs Areima Theater in China: "A Knife Pointed Straight to the Heart"

"It's a shocking performance, it's a knife directed straight to the heart. I rethought the world I live in every day, "under the ice". Of course, I'm not the best example, but it shouldn't be. I shouldn't be like that. You and I are nothing, but at the same time, here under the ice, I want to shout, "Hey, is there anyone here?" Can anyone hear me? Will this world be okay?".



We are not even statistical units anymore. We are only a part of a statistical unit database , we are a fragment of a subject - a fragmentation of the former modern man's inner "I". "others" are systems or "matrixes" that are independent of people. The only question is - is it good or bad? Is this just the beginning? If so, where do we go next?”



"Artūrs Areima's production based on Heiner Müller's play is of particular interest, because the chrestomatous restoration of Robert Wilson's 1986 production, carried out by the students of Silvio d'Amico's National Academy of Art in Rome, is still vivid in memory ( Like Wilson, Areima creates the narrative of the performance primarily with the sound score, organically merging it with space, text and actors' movements."



10 questions for the director:

Arthur Areima

How do you rate the Lithuanian theater?
A. Areima: "I don't rate it as positively as most of my colleagues. I think we have some really strong, famous creators on whom our theater relies, but their heads are already turning gray and bald, and the young theater is very timid. Afraid to be peculiar, afraid to raise his personal problems of his time, afraid to be dangerous to the idols of our theaters or punished by the Olympus of our critics. That is why the ocean of the theater does not form. We have only the calm, calm flowing Vilnelle, the spilling of which would not cause any catastrophe now. I hope that we will become Atlantean."



Immediately after the "Mythos" festival, where the performance "After the Ice" will be presented in April. On days 3, 4 - the troupe will travel to the city of Le Havre, at the "Le Tetris" theater on April 6. 8:30 p.m.


11 February 2019

"In the play "The Blind", we constantly and in various forms question where the limit of humanity is, what defines it, supports it, and renews it. In general, the whole performance can be evaluated as a representation of the degradation of humanity, where the only healing is spiritual vision." - this is how art critic Akvilė Šimėnienė describes Artūrs Areima's play, which appeared in the Juoz Miltinis Drama Theater last fall.



Director Artūras Areima: to reorganize the entire cultural system

"But we ourselves have underestimated the culture. Every theater season starts with summer discounts - we don't believe that people will buy tickets, that they need us. We also support a cheap culture. Actors go to series thinking of making money. I agree that you need to make a living , but this is how we support the poison that bites a person. And the audience sees that actor acting so poorly and for free, so why should he go to the theater and pay. There were no such serials, then the theater and the whole higher culture were more necessary."


21 October 2018

"The nature of language is machine. Man can invent a machine only because at his own metaphysical center lies the machine, that is, language, or, as we now call it, consciousness. Language and consciousness are the same. Totalitarianism, given its metaphysical nature, is nothing the other is the effort to instill in man absolutely everything that lies behind speech, through language. In other words, to turn all speechless things, including us as animals, into machines, and the world as a whole into a total machine." A. Areima



This year, for the second time, a night session of theatrical events COM•MOON•A was held together with the main program of the festival, presenting alternative, bold theater to the audience. For the first time, the best of the eight plays was selected by a special COM•MOON•A commission, which was made up of young theater lovers. After discussions with the theater critic Andrius Jevsejevs, it was decided to declare A. Areima's play "The Loser" as the best play.


13 September 2018

The 5th season of the Artūras Areima Theater

"Andy: From the new season I expect even more of everything - even more openness and truth, even more effects, lasers, erotica, quality soundtrack. I hope to see both old characters and new solutions. I hope for more unanswered questions."


September 30, 2017

On Saturday, September 30, the Varėna Cultural Center will host the opening and awards of the VIII Dalia Tamulevičiūtė Professional Theater Festival. in 2017 Dalia Tamulevičiūtė's theater sketch based on Virginija Rimkaitė's work "Boiling temperature 5425" was selected as the winner of the stage art competition by Lithuanian authors. Until October 30 the upcoming festival will invite the audience to 23 of the newest plays in Lithuanian theaters.



The curtain of the 6th comedy theater festival COM•MEDIA has come down in Alytus. Awards are distributed. The performance "Kasykla" was a triumph.


November 22, 2017

"LRT Opus" interview with the AAT troupe

"The importance of the form of Artūros Areima's theater is the eclectic process it emphasizes, which requires innovation, ingenuity, imagination, risk and, first of all, the complete dedication of the group to the work." - this is how Artūros Areima Theater (AAT) presents itself in a few words.


20 September 2017

The Vilnius international theater festival "Sirens", which will be held from September 28 to October 13, this time welcoming the audience with the slogan "Turn off your preferences", decided not to present the program of the event at the press conference held on Wednesday, but to look back at today's current affairs and discuss the relationship between the artist and the government.

The time has come to see the world.
I throw off my form of yesterday.

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