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p e r f o r m a n c e s

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The main objective of AAT is to create a countercultural art movement that produces open and provocative work. The theater pieces produced are to provoke the viewer to look for the truth, to challenge the dogmas and, most importantly, to always ask inconvenient questions. It is important for us to help the youth that is frustrated with the consumerist lifestyle to create new culture as a free autonomous exploration space without censorship and boundaries. Our theater aims to dismantle stagnant theater poise, to break stereotypes, to move away from well known and unknown clichés of theater and to remove ourselves from knowing. AAT aims to create theater socially and therefore escape the black box theater by performing in alternatives spaces, venues and common everyday spaces that additionally become somewhat a scenography for the theater performances. 


AAT does not merely read act the play out. The performances are ironic, loosely structured and the isolation of stage action is constantly being broken. The performances are rather sketches that finished pieces so that the viewer has an opportunity to feel one’s existence, has freedom to think and contemplate and is released from the abusive pressure of rigid norms and restrictions of the conventional play. We aim to gradually ease the tension for the viewer in order for him to concentrate on the presence of the actors and their physical actions, explore conceptual references rather than to fixate on the supposed pre-emotive acting based on theater clichés. Our viewer is expected to collect impressions and images, keep the attention loose and free-flowing rather that to instantly understand what is being witnessed on stage.

teatras /  premjera / koprodukcija

r i č a r d a s  III

william shakespeare


a m o k a s

stefan zweig


a r t i  /  б л и з ь к о

teatras /  premjera / koprodukcija

l ū š i e s  v a l a n d a

per olov enquist

t h e a t e r

f a u s t   i s   d e a d

mark ravenhill

t h e a t e r  / m o v i e

w i d o w s

sławomir mrożek

t h e a t e r

t h r e e   k i n g d o m s.
part I : LONDON

Simon Stephens

t h e a t e r  / m o v i e

f o r  a  b e t t e r  w o r l d

roland schimmelpfennig

t h e a t e r

t e s t

lukas bärfuss

t h e a t e r

t r i a l  o f  u b u

simon stephens

t h e a t e r

n o t h i n g   h u r t s

falk richter

t h e a t e r

e l e c t r o n i c   c i t y

falk richter

t h e a t e r

h a m l e t m a c h i n e

heiner müller

t h e a t e r

t h e   b l i n d

josè saramago

t h e a t e r

b o i l i n g 

        temperature 5 4 2 5

virginija rimkaitė

t h e a t e r

k l a m m ' s  w a r :

                 the beginning

kai hensel

t h e a t e r

a n t i c h r i s t

documentary material

t h e a t e r

u n d e r   i c e

falk richter

t h e a t e r

k l a m m 's   w a r

kai hensel

t h e a t e r

m e d e a 's 

               r o o m

documentary material

t h e a t e r

l o s e r

eduard limonov

t h e a t e r

r i c h a r d  II:

               post factum

william shakespeare

The time has come to see the world.
I throw off my form of yesterday.

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©2020 by Artūras Areima theater.

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